Thursday, August 5, 2010

Video Sharing Sites Make You A Searchable Entity

The need to put yourself up as a searchable entity on the world wide web has grown to a phenomenon. Kindled by hifi, orkut and the current smash hit - Facebook, the idea of an online persona has taken strong root. It was once enough to be able to write a short description about you, put down your interests, affiliations and put the information out there for friendly eyes. With the service providers fighting each other to provide more options to flesh out your online persona came photo sharing websites (and of course photo sharing options on the social networks). Then it got better. You could put your moving, breathing (singing, dancing, barfing) self out there. There were all sorts of entities waiting for this chance to push themselves down the throats of unsuspecting entertainment seekers. Commercial entities learned that this was result-producing new media.

There are many video sharing sites up today, all vying for your mouse click. But if all you want is post a video and have it seen by people, what options do you actually need? Look for a hassle-free site that gives you the exact options you need. Do you want to share the video with your friends on a social network? Do you want to put out a video that gets the maximum possible amount of hits? Do you want a site that lets you edit the video you want to put up?

You could even get paid directly for people viewing your video. Pick a site depending on what you want.

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